Sculpt Cycle offers a weekly schedule of classes for every fitness fan. Whether you want to dial up the intensity with a full bod body sculpt cycle class, train for a race with heart rate cycle or get a quick taste of cycle with express we have a spot for you.

Come and experience this high-intensity sculpting workout like nothing you've ever done. Let our top of the line instructors keep you motivated through a cycle ride that tones, strengthens and delivers results. Our engaging routine and amazing music will keep you pumped the entire 45 minute class.
This program was developed based on the Spinning Energy Zones Created by Mad Dogg Athletics. These energy zones are intervals, endurance, strength and race day. We will train on each energy zone for a full week and alternate through the month. We find our zones for these rides from our max heart rate, based on our age. Not only is this class incredible for max calorie burn and race training, but the distraction of focusing on our heart rate, time and numbers helps the time fly by. This class does not include the upper body movements that our typical Sculpt classes do, but we will have the opportunity to tone our upper body with weights every ride.
Whether you're a new rider that wants to ease into a new workout or too busy for a full class we've got you covered. Join us for a 30 minute sculpting ride that will leave you feeling great and ready to conquer your busy day.