Brands often lack content. Where does the missing content come from? Starting from work practice, the author of this article shares three key points that need to be paid attention to in branding exclusive content based on cases, and analyzes and summarizes them, hoping to be useful to you. I often encounter brands that want to create content for their brands. After careful questioning, they may want 10W+ articles, or viral videos, or a Durex-like copywriting. Over the years, I have gradually discovered that behind their lack of content, the root cause is that when they output content, there is no text message service content to write . In their perception, 10W+ articles, viral videos, and screen-swiping copywriting are the best reflections of brand content. It's not wrong, it's just imprecise. It is imprecise, because 10W+ articles, viral videos, and screen copy copy are effects, not the content itself.
If there is no content, how to talk about the effect of the content. It's like I want to make a nine-point movie, but I don't have a script yet. Therefore, the first step is to have content, in order to gradually improve the effect. This article will talk about how brands can create exclusive text message service content. To shape exclusive content, there are three key points: interest points, copywriting style and values . These three complement each other and influence each other. ▲ Three key points for shaping exclusive content (©️ self-organize) Following these three points, let’s discuss one by one how to help brands create exclusive content. 1. Points of Interest The point of interest is the value that the brand provides to the user . Brands exist because they meet the needs of some users. This is especially true of high-value brands, which offer irreplaceable value from other brands. Therefore, when outputting content, it can be built around the point of interest.
Nongfu Spring's animal series advertisements focus on the natural ecological environment around the water source to reflect good water quality. But just blindly outputting the benefits point is easy to be as annoying and even disgusting as direct marketing or micro-business text message service advertising. Although it can play a certain brainwashing effect, the brand reputation must be unsatisfactory. Therefore, when creating content, you can divide the content into three circles. ▲ How to create the content of the point of interest (©️ self-organize) From inside to outside, in order: The content of the origin, that is, the point of interest of the brand or product; Associated content, that is, content closely related to the point of interest; Irrelevant content, that is, content that has nothing to do with the point of interest. The origin content is limited after all, and as mentioned above, users will get tired quickly. When using it, it must be controlled. But if you write on irrelevant content, even if the article achieves 10W+, the video gets viral, and the performance is brilliant, but the actual conversion rate is mediocre.